Chesterfield Personal Injury Lawyer

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No one starts their day expecting a serious injury, but according to the CDC, around 40 million people seek treatment at emergency rooms for injuries each year. Unexpected painful injuries are more than just an inconvenience; sometimes injuries cause temporary or permanent disabilities that have a serious impact on the victim’s ability to earn a living or perform routine daily tasks. When an injury results from someone else’s negligence, reckless behavior, or intentional wrongdoing, the party at fault is responsible for damages. A Chesterfield personal injury attorney from the law firm of Miller & Hine is ready to hold them liable for damages. We offer compassionate representation for personal injury victims in Chesterfield and the surrounding Missouri area so our clients aren’t unfairly left holding the bag. Victims of preventable injuries deserve skilled legal counsel so they don’t suffer the financial consequences along with the pain of a serious injury.

Understanding Personal Injury Claims in Missouri

A personal injury claim in Missouri is the state’s way of offering legal recourse to injury victims who were hurt due to someone else’s actions or negligence. When an injury significantly impacts the victim’s life, the responsible party owes them compensation for damages. This compensation typically comes from an appropriate insurance policy. For instance, the at-fault party in a car accident has liability coverage through their auto insurance policy, a negligent store owner covers their customers through their commercial property insurance, and doctors protect themselves from personal liability through their medical malpractice insurance. When an individual or a business fails to take reasonable measures to prevent injury to others, the injury victim deserves justice. The civil courts offer a means of redress to these injury victims through a personal injury lawsuit if an insurance company fails to pay out an appropriate amount for a valid claim for damages.

The experienced personal injury attorneys at Miller & Hine will put their strong legal resources and reputations behind negotiating with the insurance company for the maximum compensation for damages but also stand ready to represent our clients in court by filing a lawsuit within the state’s generous 5-year statute of limitations if it becomes necessary to recover damages.

Common Damages in Chesterfield Personal Injury Claims

Injuries can quickly become expensive, especially when they require medical treatments at the same time that they’re serious enough to prevent the injury victim from returning to work at their previous capacity or at all. A successful personal injury claim in Chesterfield can help recover compensation for damages such as the following:

Serious injuries can have impacts on emotional health as well as physical and financial status. When another party’s action or negligent inaction causes an injury, our firm holds them accountable.

Proving Liability in a Chesterfield Personal Injury Claim

All people have a right to expect others to take reasonable measures to prevent injuries. When someone fails to address a known safety hazard or behaves in a way that they know could cause injury, they are liable for the damages, but the burden of proof lies on the injury victim in the case. An experienced Chesterfield personal injury attorney will investigate the case and document evidence of the following legal points to clearly demonstrate liability:

If you’ve been injured, your attorney will examine the evidence and carefully document your damages. Once your claim meets the burden of proof with a preponderance of the evidence, your attorney from Miller & Hine can craft a compelling case for damages and begin negotiating with the appropriate insurance company for a settlement.

Common Causes of Personal Injury Claims in Missouri

The majority of personal injury claims come from motor vehicle accidents, but injuries happen in other, less-expected ways as well. Some common causes of negligence-related injuries include:

The skilled attorneys at the Chesterfield personal injury law firm of Miller & Hine have over 5 decades of combined experience in navigating the above causes of personal injuries as well as other less common causes. Our Chesterfield car accident lawyers have deep compassion for our injured clients and help give them a voice for justice as well as the financial compensation they deserve.

What to Do After a Personal Injury in Chesterfield

Some injuries are so severe, you may be able to do little other than wait for paramedics to help you. However, if you’re able to use your phone for an emergency tool or ask someone nearby to use it for you, you can take the following steps to protect your physical and financial future:

Once at the hospital, get a thorough evaluation and a detailed medical report. Then, save all related medical bills and call the attorneys at the Chesterfield personal injury law firm of Miller & Hine for a consultation before speaking to insurance representatives.

Why Choose Us for Your Personal Injury Lawyers in Chesterfield?

The legal team at Miller & Hine provides the highest quality of legal representation for injured clients in the Chesterfield area. Our reputation for success puts a strong voice behind your claim for damages. Our decades of experience navigating Missouri injury law make us uniquely qualified to offer the best possible legal counsel while we also treat each client with the dignity and compassion they deserve. Reach out to our Chesterfield personal injury law office today for a free consultation so we can begin a personalized strategy for your unique case.