Arnold Car Accident Lawyer

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A car accident is terrifying and traumatic, often causing painful and devastating injuries. Sadly, the distress doesn’t always end when the dust settles after an accident. When medical bills pile up and injuries prevent a return to work, you may wonder where to turn for help. Insurance claims for car accident injuries in Arnold require the injured victim to prove the other party’s liability. This can be a challenge for anyone, especially when they’re trying to focus on recovering from serious injuries. The Arnold car accident attorneys at Miller & Hine are ready to help. We represent injured clients in Arnold and the surrounding area to gain substantial financial compensation after a car accident—even when powerful insurance companies attempt to deny their policyholder’s liability.

Arnold car accident lawyer

Call our Arnold law office today to speak to an experienced Missouri car accident attorney about your unique case.

Why Choose the Arnold Car Accident Attorneys at Miller & Hine?

You need an experienced legal team behind your Arnold car accident claim for serious injuries with substantial financial impacts. When you hire an accident attorney from Miller & Hine, you’ll have significant advantages, including the following:

“Damages” in a car accident claim refer to more than just the property damage to your car. The court considers all consequences of an injury caused by someone else as damages, including economic damages like injury-related expenses and non-economic damages like pain and suffering.

At Miller & Hine, we charge no upfront fees. We only take our legal fees after you get a check for compensation.

What Damages Can a Car Accident Victim in Arnold Claim for Compensation?

Car accidents quickly become costly, especially when serious injuries require medical care and time away from work. Common damages recovered in car accident claims in Missouri include the following:

If a car accident victim dies from injuries due to another driver’s negligence or recklessness, the claim becomes a wrongful death claim. The wrongful death attorneys at Miller & Hine are ready to help surviving family members claim additional damages like funeral expenses and income loss.

Common Types of Car Accidents in Arnold

Car accidents occur when you least expect them, even in quiet Arnold as well as in the more metro area of nearby St. Louis. Common types of car accidents our clients experience include the following:

Injuries in car accidents range from mild and inconvenient to grave and debilitating. Regardless of the nature of the injuries, if another driver’s negligence caused the accident, you shouldn’t be left responsible for the damages.

Proving Liability After a Car Accident in Arnold, Missouri

Insurance companies rarely write out large checks happily. Instead, they exist to make profits and hire insurance adjusters specifically to find reasons to undervalue a claim or wrongly assign fault to the injured victim to avoid a payout. It’s essential to approach the at-fault party’s insurance company with clear proof of liability. At Miller & Hine, our attorneys investigate the accident by examining the police report, photos and videos, eyewitness testimony, and your medical records to prove liability. The court requires the injury victim to demonstrate the below legal points of car accident liability in Missouri before claiming damages:

A negligent driver is the most common liable party in Arnold car accident claims, but in some circumstances, the fault could lie with the manufacturer of a defective auto part or a negligent city road maintenance department.

What If I Am Partly at Fault for the Accident?

Sometimes fault in a Missouri car accident isn’t clear cut. For instance, another driver may have made an unsafe lane change and caused a sideswipe accident, but if you were exceeding the speed limit at the time, the insurance company could assign part of the blame to you. Missouri has a fault-based pure comparative negligence system for car accident liability. This means even if you were partly at fault, you can still recover a portion of your damages minus your percentage of fault. For example, if your damages amount to $100,000 but you were 20% at fault, you’ll recover $80,000.

Sometimes insurance companies take advantage of this law and attempt to assign injury victims an unjust percentage of fault to minimize the amount of a payout. If an Arnold personal injury attorney from Miller & Hine represents you, they can anticipate and counteract this tactic with evidence.

Common Injuries in Car Accident Claims in Arnold

Car accident injuries range from mild to catastrophic. Common injuries in car accident claims in the Arnold area include:

Any injury is painful and frightening, but when it causes financial distress as well, a skilled Arnold accident attorney is the best ally for the claim process. Most car accident claims in Arnold settle out of court through direct negotiations with the insurance company. Only in the event of an unfair undervaluing of the claim or denial of a valid claim does the case go before a judge in a lawsuit.

Call Our Car Accident Attorneys In Arnold Today

You shouldn’t have to wait for compensation after a car accident when you’re in need of a resolution for yourself and your family. Contact the Arnold car accident attorneys at Miller & Hine today so we can set up a consultation and give prompt attention to your case.